Discover Eureka!

Eureka Main Street lives in the heart of Old Town at the Eureka Visitors Center

Supporting local business by organizing and implementing various good-faith economic practices derived from Main Street America; a program that began in 1992 as a public-private partnership between the Redevelopment Agency and the Downtown and Old Town merchants. The Eureka Main Street District covers A to I Streets and the Waterfront to Eighth Streets. In partnership with local businesses, the City of Eureka, and other local organizations, Eureka Main Street works to promote a diverse and sustainable local economy that supports the community in which it grows. Community events are a cornerstone feature of Eureka Main Street, including First Saturday Night Arts Alive, which promotes local artists, musicians, and local businesses monthly.

Eureka Main Street Minute

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helping revitalize older and historic commercial districts for over 40 years.